Hengyang Zhao
Member: PhD Student
Program Year: 2014
Hengyang Zhao received the BS degree in computer science in 2011 and the MS degree in instrument and meter engineering in 2013, both from the Shanghai Jiao Tong University, P. R. China.
He worked as software engineering intern in Cisco in 2012 and Intel in 2013. He is currently studying as a Ph.D. candidate in department of electrical and computer engineering in University of Riverside, California. His current research interests are machine-learning based behavior modeling, fast and scalable matrix calculations in computer-aided circuit design.
S. Wang, Zhao, H., Tan, S. X. - D., and Tahoori, M., “Recovery-aware proactive TSV repair for electromigration in 3D ICs”, in Design, Automation and Test in Europe (DATE'17), Lausenne, Switzerland, 2017. Google Scholar |
W. He, Zhao, H., Qi, Z., Chen, H., and Tan, S. X. - D., “Fast two-dimensional finite element analysis for power network DC integrity checks of PCBs”, in International Conference on ASIC (ASICON’17), Guiyang, China, 2017. Google Scholar |
J. Peng, Chen, H., Zhao, H., Sun, Z., and Tan, S. X. - D., “Dynamic Temperature-Aware Reliability Modeling for Multi-Branch Interconnect Trees”, in International Conference on ASIC (ASICON’17), Guiyang, China, 2017. Google Scholar |
K. He, Tan, S. X. - D., Zhao, H., Liu, X. - X., Wang, H., and Shi, G., “Parallel GMRES Solver for Fast Analysis of Large Linear Dynamic Systems on GPU Platforms”, Integr. VLSI J., vol. 52, pp. 10–22, 2016. DOI Google Scholar |
H. Zhao, Qi, Z., Wang, S., Vafai, K., Wang, H., Chen, H., and Tan, S. X. - D., “Learning-based occupancy behavioral detection for smart buildings”, Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), vol. (Special Session). 2016. Google Scholar |
T. Kim, Sun, Z., Cook, C., Zhao, H., Li, R., Wong, D., and Tan, S. X. - D., “Cross-layer modeling and optimization for electromigration induced reliability”, Proc. IEEE/ACM Design Automation Conference (DAC’16), vol. (Invited). Austin, TX, 2016. Google Scholar |
H. Zhao, Tan, S. X. - D., Wang, H., and Chen, H., “Online unusual behavior detection for temperature sensor networks”, in 2016 IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on VLSI (ISVLSI’16), Pittsburg, PA, 2016. Google Scholar |
W. Liu, Wang, H., Zhao, H., Wang, S., Chen, H., Fu, Y., Ma, J., Li, X., and Tan, S. X. D., “Thermal modeling for energy-efficient smart building with advanced overfitting mitigation technique”, in 2016 21st Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASP-DAC), 2016. DOI Google Scholar |
H. Zhao, QUach, D., Wang, S., Ma, J., Wang, H., Li, X., and X.D.-Tan, S., “Learning based compact thermal modeling for energy-efficient smart building management”, in Proc. Int. Conf. on Computer Aided Design (ICCAD), 2015. Google Scholar |